Ventilation and air conditioning

The operating room is equipped with a laminar flow ventilation system and meets the requirements of OP class 1. Two so-called “low turbulence displacement flow” sterile air filter systems are fitted directly above the operating tables to guarantee a germ-free and particle-free zone. The refrigeration system and primary air conditioning unit and air recirculation monoblock unit, with a capacity of 6000m3 / h, are housed in the equipment room. All rooms are ventilated and air conditioned.
Medical gas supply

The operating room and pre-care / aftercare room are equipped with various oxygen and compressed-air outlets.
The patient’s blood pressure, heart rhythm and oxygen saturation are monitored continuously during surgery. The resulting data is automatically imported into the patient’s electronic medical record.

The Klinik am Casinoplatz has its own water-treatment plant, a cleaning and disinfection unit and a steam sterilizer. The sterilization process is validated according to EN 554 / EN ISO 17665-1.

The ceiling-mounted microscope boasts a 2.5 m swivel arm, which enables it to reach any position within the operation zone. The Leica M844 is the most powerful and most advanced microscope Leica has to offer.
Radiation protection
The walls and doors of the operating room correspond to the safety stipulations with regard to the use of image-enhancing devices.
Electrical installations

The operating theatre as well as pre and after-care rooms are all equipped with equipotential bonding, for safety from any power surges or static discharges. Each room is fitted with several computer access points. Each room is fitted with a loudspeaker system for music.